SITUATION: Corporate cost targets were delivered to all global manufacturing plants. Prior to the new targets, all domestic and international plants were underperforming on volume, supplies and labor costs.

ACTION: SchmidtBCA developed an analysis that uncovered that global plants should focus on lower volume of product types that are larger in diameter with much higher margin, negotiating lower supply costs, and a 10% reduction--in-force.

RESULT: A $4 MILLION savings occurred in less than one year by pushing these initiatives through intense project management and weekly reporting. Focusing on distinct metrics to corresponding manufacturing plants yielded positive results and drove accountability to the planned cost targets.

INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATION, CHIEF ACCOUNTANT: "Matt has excellent business acumen and demonstrated sound accounting/finance knowledge. His company possesses a high level of expertise revolving around process improvement, operational excellence, and change management. SchmidtBCA would be a key business asset in any organization as they possess the talent and knowledege with both operations and finance to implement operational change for sustainable results."

SITUATION: Customer care operations were underperforming expectations in key areas such as engineering, technical operations, and call centers. Engineering uptime for broadband service was consistently low, technicians' quality of work often resulted in multiple rework attempts, and customer service representatives were often understaffed resulting in long call waiting time, increased average handle time, and an increased average speed of answer.

ACTION: SchmidtBCA developed and presented a 14-month trended analysis to show the unfavorable movement in all of these metrics across the operations organization. Recommended, developed, and implemented a bonus-based scorecard that captured the top 3 metrics in each piece of the organization and weighted them according to importance. This scorecard yielded a "Score" in which the organization would base management bonuses.

RESULT: Call Center staffing utilization increased by 20%, broadband uptime increased by 5%, and rework trouble call rate moved favorably by 2% in less than two months. Within 3 months all captured metrics were moving favorably.

INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATION, VICE PRESIDENT-CUSTOMER CARE OPERATONS: "SchmditBCA was very accommodating and easy to work with as we partnered together on this new initiative. The follow-through and attention to detail was much appreciated and essential in delivering the project on-time and well within budget."



SITUATION: A $3.5 Million business wanted to stage itself profitably in order to sell the business within three to five years. The business did not have appropriate support to analyze the prior ten years of financials that included the income statement and balance sheet.

ACTION: SchmidtBCA reviewed all financial statements, the accounting system, and business units; a detailed analysis was delivered. It was uncovered that although there was significant revenue growth year-over-year, cost of goods sold and operating expenditures were outpacing nominal revenue growth.

RESULT: Projects were initiated to organize the accounting system to show more detail and to implement a transactional processs of internal buying and selling for company business units. Budgeting processes for the business were also recommended to control and contain costs.

INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATION, PRESIDENT/OWNER: "SchmditBCA highlighted key areas to improve operational performance, accounting and finance processes, and cost reduction strategies that will ultimately drive the financial statement improvement vastly needed in order to become much more profitable."

SITUATION: Reconciling Europe's Payroll Funding Requests to General Ledger Activity has been a serious problem facing this Global organization that has experienced explosive growth in the prior year. The lack-of standardized processes, non-existent formalized communication, minimal detail in financial systems, as well as no visible control in place to manage data integrity/quality were draining human resources of valuable time.

ACTION: SchmidtBCA developed, initiated, and improved the Global Operations/Finance processes through this $10B publicly-traded corporation. Implemented strategic initiatives through a holistic strategic approach to identify ambiguity between various organizational touch-points such has International Finance/Cash, Global Human Resources, and Corporate Accounting.

RESULT: Over 40% in time-saving activities were realized by creating efficiencies that were gained by standardizing Payroll Codes/GL Accounts as well as implementing IT solutions to ensure the correct data was captured at each process step.

INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATION, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR-GLOBAL FINANCE: "We needed someone that had a large breadth of knowledge across global operations, corporate finance, and continuous improvement. It was evident from the beginning that Matt was able to leverage his vast experience, discern key problems very quickly, and offered simple solutions to this complex problem. His strategic approach and sense of urgency to deliver solutions would be a valuable asset in any organization."

SITUATION: Corporate cost targets were delivered to all global manufacturing plants. Prior to the new targets, all domestic and international plants were underperforming on volume, supplies and labor costs.

ACTION: SchmidtBCA developed an analysis that uncovered that global plants should focus on lower volume of product types that are larger in diameter with much higher margin, negotiating lower supply costs, and a 10% reduction--in-force.

RESULT: A $4 MILLION savings occurred in less than one year by pushing these initiatives through intense project management and weekly reporting. Focusing on distinct metrics to corresponding manufacturing plants yielded positive results and drove accountability to the planned cost targets.

INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATION, CHIEF ACCOUNTANT: "Matt has excellent business acumen and demonstrated sound accounting/finance knowledge. His company possesses a high level of expertise revolving around process improvement, operational excellence, and change management. SchmidtBCA would be a key business asset in any organization as they possess the talent and knowledege with both operations and finance to implement operational change for sustainable results."

business improvement project highlights: 

International Business Strategy - Global Operations - Capital Markets - Finance Planning & Analysis

Project Management - Training and Development - Lean/Six Sigma Implementation - Process Improvement




SITUATION: A publicly traded food processing giant was losing over $5 Million annually due to poor labor utilization, yield loss, and throughput inefficiencies. Production volume, direct labor, and yield targets were continuously developed and communicated and incentives implemented that were not earning any significant results.

ACTION: SchmidtBCA developed as-is views of the current processes and highlighted many deficiencies that revolved around being over-staffed, lack of appropriate production planning, and identifications of major yield loss in certain areas. Lean concepts and six sigma tools were utilized during this discovery phase. After a review, SchmidtBCA developed and implemented the closed-loop operating system to manage day to day performance on an hour by hour basis. This system effectively managed product changeovers, machine downtime issues and resolutions, and effective yield management. During the implementation phase of this project a specific production line was having additional challenges in meeting quality and volume targets. After a thorough review of labor and process it was discovered that the labor resources were not able to manage their production in a real-time fashion. SchmidtBCA redesigned the workstation to include a scale and a timer in order for personnel to manage their volume in weight while keeping an eye on time with the hourly targets. Daily volume targets were now being exceeded.

RESULT: A $4 MILLION savings impact through appropriate labor management, yield recapture, and higher output.

INDUSTRY RECOMMENDATION, VICE PRESIDENT-OPERATIONS: "SchmditBCA was a key asset in delivering continuous improvement tools and methodologies as well as financial savings to our operational excellence objectives. Always achieving project goals and many times exceeding financial expectations through emphasizing and implementing lean/six sigma concepts. They took on every task graciously with fervor and effectively worked with all levels of the organization to form win-win outcomes. SchmidtBCA navigated many challenging obstacles while driving change management practices. SchmidtBCA has proven leadership that can guide effective change for positive results. SchmidtBCA is a high-value, hilghly kinetic team that breeds success."